Doug Farrar

2013 NFL Draft News Resources

March 31, 2013

Links to 2013 NFL Draft national news resources for scouting the NFL draft.

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Daily Chat: 2011 NFL Draft National News Resources

February 13, 2011

Links to 2011 NFL Draft national news resources for scouting the NFL draft.

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Daily Chat: Brett Favre, Democrat

September 12, 2010

The AP reports that Favre and his wife gave $2400 each to to the campaign of Democratic U.S. Rep. Gene Taylor, who is facing re-election in Favre’s home district against Republican Steven Palazzo and the Reform Party’s Anna Jewel Revies.

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Daily Chat: Javon Walker Holding Out?

August 24, 2010

After hearing all day that the deal was all but done that would bring former Packer Javon Walker to Winter Park, we’ve got no actual confirmation that Walker will be a Viking.

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